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The Ministry

Divine Touch From LORD JESUS

I was born in a traditional Catholic family and was very active in the church and it’s activities during my teenage. After completing my Masters in Computer Applications and while pursuing my career as an IT Software Engineer at AIA Singapore, I had a divine touch from LORD JESUS CHRIST in the year of 2007. Since then, my life has changed. LORD JESUS was cleansing me and purifying me over the last many years through the HOLY SPIRIT and was training me for HIS END TIME WORK.

Ministry of Deliverance

LORD JESUS engaged me in ministry activities since the year 2007. HE has trained me especially in the area of CASTING OUT DEMONS and DELIVERING people who are going through demonic oppressions and possessions.

Lord Jesus granted me many SPIRITUAL WEAPONS for the warfare which the current church is generally not aware of. He has also blessed me with many spiritual gifts during these years and trained me to train the end time warriors. The LORD equipped me, strengthened me and purified me for HIS work which he planned even before the creation of the World.

Mission to Train the End Time Warriors

The LORD was merciful enough to share HIS mind to me about what HE wanted from HIS children in these last days.

“The LORD expect every believer in CHRIST to manifest in this world as sons of God and HE want to see that each and every one of us personally overcome the wicked one, the devil”.

The LORD want to see that HIS authority and Power is demonstrated through you and me in this World and He want to see that every beliver is overcoming SIN by overcoming the wicked one.

The LORD has entrusted this mission to me to help HIS children and transform them as Sons of GOD and equip them to overcome the wicked one through the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST.